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Fostering Innovations in Scholarly Publishing 

Maximizing the Impact of Virtual Conferences

Did you know that virtual conferences have the potential to reach a much larger audience compared to in-person events? In fact, according to a recent study, virtual events can attract up to 2-3 times more participants than their physical counterparts. This surprising statistic highlights the immense impact and reach that virtual conferences can offer for […]

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Conference Management Strategies

Understanding Indexing, Digital Format Essentials

Indexing is like the GPS for digital files, helping you navigate through the vast amount of information with ease. Without proper indexing, it’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack of digital content. Understanding indexing and digital formats is key to ensuring that your content is easily searchable and the metadata is optimized.Key

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Book Writing and Publishing, Journal Indexing Services
ISBN, DOI,  book

Understanding ISBN, DOI & Book Identification- Your Guide to Book IDs

Did you know that there are over 1.5 million new ISBNs assigned every year? In 2021, the self-publishing sector saw 2,298,004 new titles that had both ISBNs and BISAC codes, showcasing a high level of activity despite a decline from previous years. When it comes to identifying books and digital content, ISBNs and DOIs play

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Book Writing and Publishing, Journal Indexing Services
future of shelf publishing

Future of Self-Publishing: Trends & Insights

Self-publishing now accounts for more than 30% of all book sales in the United States, signaling a transformative shift in the publishing landscape. Authors are taking control of their literary destinies, while readers are increasingly embracing digital formats. This article will explore the emerging trends and insights shaping the industry.Self-published titles represent a significant share

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Book Writing and Publishing
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