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Advances in fermentation technology and their Practical Implications

Advances in Fermentation Technology" provides foundational knowledge on the principles and practices in the field of fermentation technology. It includes 15 chapters covering cutting-edge topics in microbial fermentation and enzyme technology. The book is written in simple language and includes figures, tables, and illustrations to aid understanding. It is a valuable resource for researchers, teachers, and students interested in fermentation, enzyme technology, food microbiology, biochemistry, and biotechnology.

  • Chapters
  • 1. Microbes and Fermentation Media
  • 2. Recent Developments in the Theory and Practise of Fermentation and Their Practical Implications
  • 3. Studying the Role of Fermentation in Value-Added Manufacturing
  • 4. The process of synthesising polyunsaturated fatty acids through solid-state fermentation
  • 5. An Exciting Method for Converting Lignocellulosic Waste into Biofuel: Solid-State Fermentation
  • 6. Oleaginous Yeasts: Single Cell Oil from Lignocellulosic Biomass as a Feedstock for Biofuels
  • 7. An Introduction to the Fermentative production of alpha-Amylases with a Focus on Their Biotechnological Applications
  • 8. Types of Microbial Enzymes Used in the Food Industry and Their Numerous Applications
  • 9. The Health Benefits of Fermented Foods: Methods and Opportunities
  • 10. Cost-Effective Microbial Xylitol Production
  • 11. Diversity, Distribution, and Industry Outlook of Biofuel Cellulases
  • 12. Poly-Lactide fermentation from Low-Priced Lactic Acid, and Its Use in Biotechnology
  • 13. The Role of Bacterial Cellulose in Possible Future Industrial Applications
  • 14. Bioethanol from Microalgal Biomass: A Sustainable and Renewable Energy Source
  • 15. Lignocellulose Pretreatment for Biofuel Generation.
  • 16. Improved Laccase Production via Fermentation Strategies
  • 17. Production of butane di al
  • 18. Biosurfactant production and its application in MEOR
  • Want to contribute a chapter? We Can Help.
NeucitePress_Coverpage_Advances in fermentation technology and their Practical Implications
Fermentation's potential is still untapped. Though one of humanity's oldest technologies, the microscopic alchemy of fermentation continues to reveal new ways to transform ingredients into elevated versions of themselves.
- Arpita Roy , Editor-in-chief
Our Editors
Dr. Arpita Roy


Dr Santosh Kumar Mishra


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Authors with an H-index of 10 or higher are not subject to any publication charges.

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Each chapter should ideally be between 3000 and 10000 words. Editorial approval is required for any deviation from this range.

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